What Is Medical Hypnosis?

Medical Hypnosis is using your mind to heal your body

You already have the power of medical hypnosis:

  • to Turn off PAIN,
  • to HEAL any illness,
  • to become who you want to BE,
  • to do whatever you want to DO, and
  • to HAVE all that you desire
  • all through the power of your mind using SELF-HYPNOSIS

Hypnosis Is a Powerful Medical Tool

Because your subconscious mind is running your body, its wellness as well as its diseases, giving healing, wellness instructions to your subconscious is the purpose of medical hypnosis.

How does Medical Hypnosis Work?

Medical hypnosis consists of the following process:

  1. Clarify your desired outcome based on the state of wellness chosen and the current disease.
  2. Formulate instructions for your subconscious to implement throughout your body.
  3. Get into a relaxed, focused state where the critical, doubting mind cannot prevent instructions from reaching your subconscious.
  4. Give your instructions to your subconscious mind.
  5. Accept, believe, be certain that this process is effective.
  6. Then the mystery occurs: your body heals in a way that science cannot explain!

Get assistance using medical hypnosis from these sources:

Doctors Recommend Hypnosis

doctors recommend hypnosis“Pain control techniques using hypnosis are simple, effective, easy to learn and applicable to most cancer patients in pain.” — Dr. Bernie Siegel, MD, Stanford Cancer Center

We believe that a second-degree burn can often be kept from going third degree if hypnosis is used soon after the injury.” — Dr. Dabney Ewin, MD, Tulane University School of Medicine

“Doctors at Mount Sinai School of Medicine (NY) found that patients having breast cancer surgery who used hypnosis required less anesthesia, exited surgery quicker, and had less pain, nausea, and fatigue afterward.” — Journal of the National Cancer Institute

“Dr. Andrew Weil has recommended hypnotherapy to help ease chronic pain, lessen the side effects of chemotherapy, alleviate symptoms of autoimmune disease, and counteract anxiety and sleep disorders.” — DrWeil.com

“Hypnotherapy can be an effective method for coping with stress and anxiety. In particular, hypnosis can reduce stress and anxiety before a medical procedure, such as a breast biopsy. . .  Hypnosis may be beneficial for pain associated with cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, temporomandibular joint problems, dental procedures, and headaches.” — MayoClinic.org


Major Hospitals Use Trances for Fractures, Cancer, Burns; Speeding Surgery Recoveries

An article in the Wall Street Journal entitled Altered States: Hypnosis In Mainstream Medicine by Michael Waldholz, Staff Reporter of The Wall Street Journal, Updated Oct. 7, 2003
Hypnosis, often misunderstood and almost always controversial, is increasingly being employed in mainstream medicine.

Numerous scientific studies have emerged in recent years showing that the hypnotized mind can exert a real and powerful effect on the body. The new findings are leading major hospitals to try hypnosis to help relieve pain and speed recovery in a variety of illnesses.


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