Hypnosis works!
It is the power of your mind to heal your body, adjust your emotions, add good habits, and end bad habits. Duncan Tooley, will show you how to start today!
When your conscious mind pulls in one direction but your subconscious pulls in the opposite direction, your subconscious always wins! When will-power and determination aren’t enough, you need the power of hypnosis to achieve what you want.
Hypnosis permits you to adjust your subconscious mind, your power source, to heal your body, to change emotions and habits, to be happy, and to get everything you desire.
When I discovered the powerful tool of hypnosis in 2006, I traded my Information Technology career for assisting others through hypnosis. Read My Miracle Story of how I learned medical self-hypnosis and used it to heal myself. Now, as a certified clinical medical hypnotherapist, I assist YOU to similarly discover and master the power of hypnosis for health, wellness, and happiness.
Can’t decide which Hypnosis Power Tool is right for you? Get a free phone consultation. 310-832-0830.
The Truth in the 12 Worst Hypnosis Myths: There is a saying that every myth has an element of truth in it. Hypnosis is still surrounded by myths in popular culture, and that saying is true for these, my favorites
Pain Relief Starts with Understanding Pain: There is no machine that measures pain, yet current medical ethics requires that pain be treated aggressively as a disease. The medically accepted definition of pain is that unpleasant feeling of discomfort that is transmitted to the brain
Pharmaceutical Side Effects: Medical pharmaceuticals (Rx prescriptions) are chemicals that are designed to have a specific effect on your body chemistry. In addition to the good effects intended, they usually also have side effects that are not intended, but which nevertheless