Hypnosis works!

It is the power of your mind to heal your body, adjust your emotions, add good habits, and end bad habits. Duncan Tooley, will show you how to start today!

Hypnosis Works!

Hypnosis Works!

It Powers Your Subconscious for Growth and Change

When your conscious mind pulls in one direction but your subconscious pulls in the opposite direction, your subconscious always wins! When will-power and determination aren’t enough, you need the power of hypnosis to achieve what you want. 

Hypnosis permits you to adjust your subconscious mind, your power source, to heal your body, to change emotions and habits, to be happy, and to get everything you desire.

When I discovered the powerful tool of hypnosis in 2006, I traded my Information Technology career for assisting others through hypnosis.  Read My Miracle Story of how I learned medical self-hypnosis and used it to heal myself. Now, as a certified clinical medical hypnotherapist, I assist YOU to similarly discover and master the power of hypnosis for health, wellness, and happiness.

Get Started on Your New Life through Hypnosis

  • Private sessions in Los Angeles area. You will experience change, growth, and will feel great after one session. (Some issues may require several sessions), Call for a free consultation or appointment now, 310-832-0830.
  • Don’t live in Los Angeles area? Phone and video sessions work great remotely. Call 310-832-0830 or email duncan @ DuncanTooleyHypnosis.com

See our free self-empowerment tools at Free.DuncanTooley.com

Can’t decide which Hypnosis Power Tool is right for you? Get a free phone consultation. 310-832-0830.

Call Duncan NOW!